Insomnia is highly prevalent among active-duty military service members. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is a well-established and effective treatment; however, research and treatment recommendations have primarily focused on civilian or veteran populations. A multitude of military-specific factors directly impact service members’ sleep and the subsequent treatment recommendations. This article provides treatment considerations for the use of CBT-I with active-duty U.S. Army personnel. First, an overview of the theoretical model of insomnia, including military-specific predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors, is presented, followed by a review of common comorbid conditions among service members with insomnia. Finally, discussion focuses on considerations and strategies for implementing components of CBT-I with service members, managing sleep during deployments, and adjusting sleep to accommodate overnight duties. Additional training resources and supplemental video examples (with actors) are provided.
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